Participants | Debate Context: Brazil today


Lizete Rubano Architect and Urbanist graduated at Architecture and Urbanism School – Mackenzie (1981), with a Master’s Degree and PhD at FAU USP (1992 and 2001). Lizete is a professor and researcher dedicated to  design as investigation and collective housing as an object. She currently coordinates the EMAU-Mosaico, an university extension practice of the Mackenzie, participating in several groups of discussion, which involves housing in central areas and tangible and intangible heritage. The research developed, in the area of ​​collective housing and city, are guided towards public policies and action, by the daily experience, in the urban territories.


Graziela Kunsch is an artist, educator, curator and editor. Her practice implies an extension of the so-called “public art”, with crossings between public spheres and social agents. She participated in two editions of the International Art Biennale of São Paulo (29th Biennial, 2010 and 31st Biennial, 2014) and the 10th  International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo (2013). She holds a PhD at the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP), and she is a professor of contemporary art, art and current politics, curator and mediator at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) and editor of Urbânia magazine. She was a member of Passe Livre (“Free Pass”) Movement, a member of the USINA – Work Center for the Inhabited Environment and responsible for the formation of the public in the Vila Itororó Canteiro Aberto project, where she is currently one of the coordinators of the Public Psychoanalysis Clinic. Website:  

Hélio Menezes Helio has a Master’s degree and is a PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at the Post-Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) of the University of São Paulo. He has a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP). He is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Social Markers of Difference (NUMAS / USP) and Ethno-History (USP). He works as an independent curator and has developed reflections on Afro-Brazilian art, race relations, image anthropology, museums, art and activism.

Maria Inês Nassif  Brazilian journalist, in her professional career, she worked in several media outlers, such as Valor Econômico, Jornal do Brasil, O Globo, Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de São Paulo, Gazeta Mercantil, Agência Dinheiro Vivo, Carta Maior and GGN , usually dedicated to politics and economic issues. For her role as a reporter at GGN, she received the Woman Press Trophy in the category “Reporter of news website” in 2014.

Kazuo Nakano Architect and Urbanist, graduated at Architecture and Urbanism School of University of São Paulo, with a Master’s degree in Urban Environmental Structures at the same university, and a Doctor’s degree in demography by NEPO-UNICAMP. He worked at the Polis Institute,  was a project manager at the Ministry of Cities and director of the Urban Development Department of the Municipal Development Secretariat of the Municipality of São Paulo, where he coordinated the review of the Strategic Master Plan. He is a professor at the Institute of Cities of the Federal University of São Paulo

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